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Your guide to understanding tongue tie identification and management options for your breastfed baby

Breastfeeding challenges are very common and often mothers who are trying to get answers begin wondering if it's possible a tongue tie is making breastfeeding more difficult.  


What often happens is a mom like you learns about tongue tie, asks the pediatrician if this could be worth investigating, and is given one of the following answers: 


"She can stick her tongue out, so no." 


"I don't see a tie, that's not the issue" 


"Tongue Ties are a fad. They don't affect breastfeeding"


These mothers are often left feeling hopeless... but there is hope!


I was that mom. 

My son's pediatrician was that pediatrician. 

But I didn't take, "Just quit trying so hard to breastfeed and switch to formula" as an answer. Instead I kept pushing and digging and advocating. Come to find out he did have a tongue and lip tie, and release solved our issues.  


But it isn't always that straight forward. This Guide for breastfeeding your tongue tied baby will help you know which questions to ask so you can become a confident advocate for your baby. 


Breastfeeding Your Tongue Tied Baby

includes answers to questions like:


What is a tongue tie? 


How do I know if my baby has a tongue tie? 


How do lactation consultants help tongue tied babies? 


What are my options for treating a tongue tied baby? 


How do I know if surgical release is the right option? 


What impacts do tongue ties have long term?


How does tongue tie impact breastfeeding? 


And so much more! 


Get your FREE copy now! 



book mockup shows image of breastfeeding baby text overlay says breastfeeding your tongue tied baby a guide for parents to undertanding everyting about tongue tie identification and management
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