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Normalizing Breastfeeding with Busty Betty

normalize breastfeeding demo boob Washington DC Lincoln memorial Washington monument Capitol Hill

Who is Busty Betty?

When you were in elementary school, you probably met Flat Stanley. He traveled the world in an envelope learning about new places and sharing that information with children all over.

Well, today, we meet Busty Betty. Flat Stanley’s pro-breastfeeding cousin. See, she doesn’t like how hard mothers must fight to be supported on their breastfeeding journey.

We all know there is a huge movement among a group of mothers to normalize breastfeeding. While our society is becoming more and more accepting of mothers nursing in public, and there is legislation in place to protect mothers, we still have a long way to go.

There are still people who are not supported in their breastfeeding journey by their families.

There are still many people who are not supported in their breastfeeding journey by their employers.

See, years ago, women learned to breastfeed from other women in their tribes or villages. The community support for women and mothers, that used to be the norm, has completely vanished in modern society.

Many men don’t realize that the very reason they are attracted to women’s breasts, is because of her biological ability to sustain life with them. Therefore, breasts have become over sexualized and under respected. We wear pink ribbons, organize 5Ks, and wear shirts that say “I Love Boobies” to support breast cancer research and finding a cure. Yet, when a woman breastfeeds her baby, which is one preventative measure to reduce risk of breast cancer, she finds herself feeling uncomfortable and unsupported way too often.

We need to remove this stigma attached to breastfeeding.

Busty Betty wants to teach families, employers, entertainment facilities, and random strangers that they need to support… or at the very least respect… breastfeeding mothers. See, my entire forum is about providing education and support for moms who breastfeed because for most, this IS an emotional journey with many struggles along the way. Women should be celebrated for the dedication and perseverance involved in breastfeeding, instead of embarrassed.

Betty isn’t interested in all of the arguments and debates on breastmilk vs. formula, or modesty, or whatever argument someone will throw at this conversation. The bottom line is: this movement is about creating a shift in society where women don’t have to be afraid to ask for pumping accommodations; no mother should have to think twice before feeding her baby anywhere, anytime. No mother should have to deal with a doctor who is uneducated and unsupportive of breastfeeding because he’s “old school” or whatever. Yep. They’re out there.

This is why Betty is traveling to visit landmarks everywhere and let people know breastfeeding is normal. She is spreading the word to strangers and tourists that this society WILL start being more supportive of breastfeeding families. Because the more they see it, the more it will be accepted.

breastfeeding boob capital hill normalize breastfeeding Washington DC

STORY TIME: When Betty was visiting Capitol Hill a teenage girl and her family walked by. The girl looked at Betty and asked (to her family), "What is that?" and they all just kind of stared awkwardly. My husband finally announced, "It's a boob," and they recoiled awkwardly and walked away. This is the whole point of Betty's adventures! Why does a teenage girl not recognize a breast when she sees one? Why do humans... mammals (can we discuss what makes us "mammals" for a second: mammary glands! BOOBS!) recoil at the sight of a breast? Why do these same people walk around supporting Breast Cancer research and conversation but recoil at desexualizing and normalizing breasts and breastfeeding? This is why this movement is still needed. When I shared this story with my Sister In Law, she mentioned that her favorite thing about Betty is she doesn't represent the "picture perfect" pink nippled breast. People seem to forget breasts come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. Breasts are as unique as each woman -- really human -- who has them, and as unique as each baby they feed.

How Can You Join In?

normalize breastfeeding Washington DC monuments Lincoln Memorial Capitol Hill

You can join in on the movement! You can make a boob - get creative! You can use construction paper for a flat boob, you can color a ball of some sort to represent a boob of any shape and size! Take your boob to landmarks in your town, your favorite restaurants, amusement parks, vacations… wherever! Take a picture with your Betty and share it on social media using hashtags #BustyBetty and #NormalizeBreastfeeding! Tag @littlebearlactation on Instagram or share to our Facebook page! If someone asks, make sure you tell them you’re spreading the message that breastfeeding families should be supported anywhere, anytime! Educate them on how employers can be more supportive. Let them know why you support breastfeeding and why they should too!

This is a great way that anyone who supports breastfeeding, NOT just breastfeeding mothers, can make a statement to encourage this cultural shift.

Check out Instagram now, to see pictures of Busty Betty visiting America’s capitol, Washington, DC.

SHARE Betty's Adventures On Facebook, Instagram, And Twitter! Let people know, breasts are everywhere, and they are meant to feed babies anytime, anywhere!

Where will Betty go next?

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