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Birth Interventions Impact on Breastfeeding

The impact of fear of childbirth on mode of delivery, postpartum mental health and breastfeeding: A prospective cohort study in Shanghai, China
Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine Peripartum Breastfeeding Managment
Discusses appropriate prenatal, intralabor and postpartum considerations for maximizing positive breastfeeding experience
For the Health Professional: Birthing Practices Affect on Breastfeeding
Impact of labor interventions on breastfeeding and infant health UNICEF
Influences of cesarean on breastfeeding practices and duration
Concludes that healthcare professionals should warn mothers of dangers of elective cesarean section for breastfeeding and provide increased access to lactation care
Impact of cesarean on breastfeeding initiaton and duration
States: "We found that when controlling for socio-demographic and labor and delivery characteristics, planned c-section is associated with early breastfeeding cessation. Anticipatory guidance around breastfeeding could be provided to women considering a planned c-section. As well, additional supportive care could be made available to lactating women with emergency c-sections, within the first 24 hours post birth and throughout the early postpartum period."
Impact of Cesarean on Breastfeeding & Bonding
Turkish perspective explores reasons mothers facing cesareans have unique challenges with breastfeeding. May share some misinformation about safety of breastfeeding after cesarean
Early initiation of breastfeeding up to six months among mothers after cesarean section or vaginal birth: A scoping review
published in 2023, rates of breastfeeding initiation after cesarean remains lower than after vaginal birth
Cesarean and Breastfeeding
Skin to Skin Contact for improved duration of breastfeeding
Long term benefits of skin to skin in immediate postpartum
Skin to Skin Contact in first hour after birth underyling implications and clinical practice
Benefits of skin to skin contact in first hour post birth and natural progression of "breast crawl" and infant behaviors in first hour when uninterrupted
Maternal Intrapartum fluids and neonatal weight loss in the breastfed infant
Reviewed 8 studies considering association between maternal IV fluids and infant weight loss, concluded further research necessary
Observational study maternal fluids & breastfed newborn weight loss
Early weight loss related to IV fluids is normal, however continued weightloss after 72 hours is not connected to maternal fluids and should be further ivestigated
Maternal intravenous fluids and postpartum breast changes: a pilot observational study
IV fluids in labor cause changes to breast tissue that can increase breastfeeding discomfort leading to early cessation of breastfeeding
Epidural Analgesia in Labor: A narrative Review International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics
Perspective on epidural usea and impact, small section notates complexities of potential impact on breastfeeding and calls for specialized lactation care
Editorial View PERSPECTIVE Epidural and Breastfeeding
Perspective that benefits of effective epidural for labor pain relief outweigh risks to breastfeeding, and increased focus on tailored breasfeeding support can mitigate concerns
Effect of Labor Epidural Analgesia with and without fentanyl on infant breastfeeding
Fentanyl group was associated with lower breastfeeding rates at 6 weeks, but no statistical differences in breastfeeding challenges in immediate postpartum
Epidural Analgesia: Breastfeeding Success and related factors
Epidural pain relief associated with negative impacts on breastfeeding
Effect of labor epidural anesthesia on breast-feeding of healthy full-term newborns delivered vaginally
Epidural anesthesia potential negative impact on breastfeeding in firs 24 hours
The association between intrapartum interventions and immediate and ongoing breastfeeding outcomes: an Australian retrospective population-based cohort study
Intrapartum interventions increase risk of less favorable breastfeeding outcomes
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