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Preparing for breastfeeding before your baby is born!

Updated: Sep 27, 2021

mother breastfeeding baby

Did you know that you should start preparing for breastfeeding during your pregnancy?

Preparing for a new baby is HARD. There are so many "rules" (many that actually aren't rules at all...) and things to learn, and buy, and make... the list is endless. But one of the most important things you will face is feeding your baby... The benefits of breastfeeding are well known and more and more mothers choose to breastfeed. But it seems that more often than not, these mothers face a ton of struggles... Why? Is it because breastfeeding is hard? NO! I mean... breastfeeding CAN be hard. But breastfeeding is so extremely challenging because our society no longer learns about biological birth and feeding from past generations the way our ancestors did. Now, there is SO much information swarming the internet and mommy groups - good and bad. It can be a lot for any overwhelmed, nervous, new mom to navigate. LUCKY FOR YOU... you don't have to look any further... I'm extremely passionate about providing the base of education and support that you need to develop plans for reaching your breastfeeding goals! Check out the Mama Bear Resource Library for tips on getting started... but first, make sure you read this list of tips that pregnant mothers must know about breastfeeding.

Get online breastfeeding help when you book a lactation visit with Jaimie Zaki IBCLC now

But what are the TOP 6 things new breastfeeding moms must know? 1. THE IMPORTANCE OF EDUCATION

Having access to accurate information about breastfeeding is the first step to success. You need to understand HOW milk is made, and what signs indicate a strong milk supply versus when you need to be concerned. Education allows you to be confident in your decision making and advocate confidently for you and your child.


This may seem like a no brainer, but if you don't have a strong support system, meeting your goals will be much harder. Educating your family and friends so they can be in your corner is imperative.


Skin to skin contact is so important for all babies, even non breastfed babies... skin to skin contact regulates baby's temperature, heart rate, and respiratory rate. Additionally, skin to skin contact helps with bonding and hormone chain reactions that support a healthy nursing relationship.


This seems to be the number one, "no one ever told me"... So I'm telling you now... YOUR NIPPLES WILL PROBABLY HURT AT SOME POINT! There are many reasons why your nipples might hurt. Figuring out the cause is imperative. The good news is, some level of discomfort is normal and usually goes away within the first 2 weeks. If your pain exceeds mild discomfort and is consistent, determining adjustments to your latching technique will help improve your situation. Know who to contact in your community for support.


I could go on and on about engorgement and what causes it and how to prevent it, how to treat it, and what kind of problems it can cause... but I won't because I already have!


Many moms end up freaking out that they have low milk supply and their baby is starving when that absolutely is not the case..... other times it might be the case... there could be a simple fix though! Sometimes changing our breastfeeding habits is all that is needed... other times an appointment with an educated breastfeeding support person is required... The good news is there are easy ways to tell your baby is getting enough to eat: Watching weight trends and diaper counts are the easiest to read signs to ensure your baby is thriving.

What questions do you have about preparing to breastfeed your newborn?


Jaimie Zaki is an Air Force Wife, homeschooling mom of four, birth doula, birth photographer, and International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) who is dedicated to helping you have a positive pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding experience. Jaimie offers online and in person support services for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers around the world and in North Texas.

Breastfeeding Tips moms must know before baby is born

____ **Little Bear Services, LLC never provides any specific or individual medical advice. All information shared is evidence based and should serve as a starting point for conversation with your healthcare provider.

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