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Natural Teething Remedies for Teething Babies

Updated: Oct 1, 2021

I cannot believe my four month old is teething already! Thankfully I had some great Nature Teething Remedies to help us as he cut his first tooth this week!

Herbal remedies for your teething baby - collection of herbs


My not quite five month old baby just cut his first tooth and I'm devastated. My baby is teething already! I was caught off guard and definitely thought I had more time! Even though some babies are born with teeth (called a natal tooth), and some start teething early, on average, babies tend to get their first tooth around 6 months old.

Common teething advice

Everyone has seen the silicone teething toys out there, but when your baby is screaming his head off in pain from teething, no silicone teether is going to bring relief. So many of us find ourselves desperately seeking something for teething pain relief. Now many parents will just go ahead and give baby some Tylenol or Motrin, but this really is not best practice. Sure, it might relieve the teething pain, but these medications should be used sparingly in anyone, especially babies. Personally, I reserve use of pharmaceuticals for severe situations.

And of course your grandmother has probably told you to just rub whiskey on the baby's gums. I'm sure it's no surprise that this is a controversial approach. While this probably is not at all enough alcohol to actually put a baby at risk, most people will not condone using whiskey for teething. Furthermore, some may have concerns about the sugars in the alcohol. Another common approach is numbing gels. Using oral numbing creams for teething is very dangerous for infants. It can numb the whole mouth and cause them to have trouble maintaining a patent airway. It can also cause trouble feeding if their tongue is numb.

So what are the more natural options for teething pain relief?

With my kids I've tried everything under the sun.

A frozen washcloth is great like a silicone teether, but when they're screaming in pain in the middle of the night, it doesn't seem to do much good.

Natural Alternatives for Teething Pain Relief

For my first child, we used amber teething necklaces. There are no studies out there to prove they reduce pain and discomfort associated with teething, but plenty of anecdotal evidence. In our experience it was helpful. Whenever he wasn't wearing the amber necklace, it seemed his teething pain was amplified. But I can't say for sure, and we actually did not end up using this method for any of our other children (not for any reason in particular, just didn't). With my second son and my daughter we mainly used homeopathic teething tablets. There are homeopathic blends geared toward teething specifically, or you can use appropriate remedies from your regular homeopathy kit. We preferred the teething tablets and had great success.

But with my fourth baby, I was so not prepared. My other babies didn't cut their first tooth until six months old, so imagine my shock when my four month old popped a tooth! I did not have teething tablets on hand and our homeopathy kit remedies didn't seem to touch his teething pain. So I reached for my next best tool in my arsenal: herbal tinctures. Herbal remedies really are my favorite for every ailment, but I have a new respect for herbal remedies for teething.

There are many different blends you could use. One of my favorites is a homemade Lemon Balm, Catnip, and Chamomile tincture. But if you're not up to making your own or just don't have time, this is a great alternative! I really love all of Earthley's blends, but I especially appreciate a remedy to help my little one while teething!

I'm curious to know what your favorite teething remedy is?

Comment below to share your favorite natural teething remedies or ask any questions you have about teething!

For more pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding tips, follow me on instagram @littlebearbirthservices


Jaimie Zaki is an Air Force Wife, homeschooling mom of four, Doula, IBCLC/Lactation Consultant, Motherhood Photographer serving families both virtually and locally in Wichita Falls, Texas. To book a prenatal or postpartum virtual appointment with Jaimie, visit

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Picture of infant chewing on hand text states herbal remedies for teething babies

Teething infant chews on mother's hands text overlay Three Natural Teething Remedies for Babies

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